The Teaching InstituteThe Teaching Institute is a full day pre-conference of the MACRO Conference 2023. The institute consists of intensive workshops that demonstrate key assignments, simulations, group discussions, online instruction, or other engaging teaching strategies across policy and macro curricula. Participants of the Teaching Institute enjoy hands on experimentation and expect to leave with a toolkit of innovative and creative teaching strategies.
The goal of the Teaching Institute is create a space to share fresh policy and macro teaching ideas with social work faculty and Ph.D. students. Invited instructors will collaboratively develop and deliver a set of intensive teaching demonstrations according to an identified theme. Instructors will present creative and experiential strategies that demonstrate exceptional instruction and honor social work’s root commitments to anti-racist and anti-oppressive policies and social, economic, environmental, and political justice. This year's Teaching Conference will focus on the following topic areas: - Getting students excited about impacting government and legislative process - Essential skills of policy and macro practice - Anti-racist and anti-oppressive policy and macro practice - Integrating elections into policy and macro courses - Environmental justice - 2022 EPAS |